Library of Collected Works  A listing of books, articles, YouTube videos, and other items--professional and avocational



youTube Videos

Other Publications and Presentations

  • Braille Into The Next Millennium (2000) - National Library Service For the Blind and Physically Handicapped
    More than two dozen essays delving into the history and future of the braille system, including braille production, code development, and refreshable braille displays
  • Levelling the road ahead: Guidelines for the creation of WWW pages accessible to blind and visually handicapped users (1996) - Library Hi Tech
    Article demonstrating the importance of libraries and librarians to provide online and electronic resources that are accessible to all
  • Getting in Touch With Literacy - Conference (St. Petersburg, FL - Dec. 2007)
    Presentation on the importance of accurate and timely Braille materials for students
  • University of Tennessee - Seminar Series (Knoxville, TN - Dec. 2006)
    Presentations on the production and integration of accessible academic library materials
  • Temple University - Seminar (Philadelphia, PA - May 2005)
    Presentation on accessible electronic books
  • Association of College and Research Libraries - Conference (Charlotte, NC - Apr. 2003)
    Presentation on accessibility and usability of several popular commercial online databases


Major Awards